ZAKK WYLDE Releases Dreary ‘Sleeping Dogs’ Video

30 March 2016
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Zakk Wylde may have gone soft on the surface with his forthcoming solo acoustic effort, Book of Shadows II, but the music video for 'Sleeping Dogs' hints otherwise. The guitar virtuoso conjures some stirring emotions musically and visually as a Voodoo ritual takes place.

The icon is first seen walking through an open field with his signature acoustic guitar slung over his shoulder and a black top hat that brings to mind images of a traveling mystic. In the same field, clips of painted voodoo practitioners, known as “bokors,” gather around in a circle, engaging in a ritual. The group performs the tradition of sacrificing a chicken, pouring the blood on one of the members all while Wylde’s soothing voice and gentle strumming of the strings serves as a peculiar juxtaposition.

“Black Label Brethren O’ Doom Father Justin Reich did another amazing job directing the video,” commented Wylde, adding his beloved sense of humor continuing, “I asked Father Justin to capture the sights, sounds, smell and feel of the first day my parents dropped me off at kindergarten. Watching the video made me realize why I’m so fond of reading and vegetables.”

Slipknot frontman Corey Taylor will appear on the album version of the track to which Wylde excitedly exclaimed, “Having Father Corey Taylor’s brilliant voice sing on Sleeping Dogs’ fulfilled my vision of the two of us as the modern day Simon & Garfunkel. We may not be as legendary, talented or as handsome as those two, but we’ve eaten at some of the same restaurants as them.”

Book of Shadows II is out April 8 on eOne and can be pre-ordered on iTunes here and fans will receive instant gratification downloads of 'Sleeping Dogs,' 'Tears of December' and 'Lost Prayer.' The physical version of the album is available through Amazon and a bundle package is also a purchasing option.

