Cobain daughter’s ticket tantrum

06 November 2009
news page

Rock offspring Frances Bean Cobain stunned train passengers after launching into a vicious tirade when her travel plans to New York derailed - because she refused to pay for a reservation.

The daughter of Courtney Love and late Nirvana legend Kurt Cobain was in line to take a train from Boston, Massachusetts to New York on Sunday.

According to the New York Post, the 17 year old threw a temper tantrum when she discovered there was a mix-up with her ticket and a clerk failed to recognize her.

A source tells the publication, "She caused a huge backup on the line because she refused to pay herself. She was causing a scene and saying her name loudly to the guy behind the counter, but he had no idea who she was. Finally, she got out of line to call her business manager, who paid for her ticket."

