KAZAA Relaunches In The Cloud

05 August 2010
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Kazaa is back. The former peer-to-peer music service has relaunched as a cloud-based streaming service with access to 1.6 million songs and 1 million song lyrics.

There's not much that initially sets the new Kazaa apart from other services in this space, and the smaller catalog will prove a challenge. But the lyrics feature is a nice touch, particularly the search function.

There’s a seven-day free trial, and then is $15 a month after that. It’s a beta launch, meaning changes and additions could be in the works. It’ll need them, as the service, at this point, is not nearly as innovative as its competitors.

Kazaa was founded by Janus Friis and Niklas Zennstrom, both of whom are now backing the newly launched Rdio cloud-based subscription service.

Source: Billboard.biz